Working With Us Guide & Disclosure

Licensing Information and Contact

Supercity Insurance Ltd (FSP749451), trading as Jaime James Financial & Insurance, is a Financial Advice Provider, which holds a Class 2 licence by the Financial Markets Authority to provide financial advice.

Address: Level 8, 139 Quay Street, Auckland 1010
Phone: 021 527 069

About Us

We're a team of good souls who love to make a meaningful difference in peoples lives.
Join our community and experience the transformative power of expert financial guidance and save time, money and stress. You too can plan smartly, protect what matters, and prosper through creating your way of a Healthy Wealthy Life.

Our Track Record

In the business of finance and insurance, trust is paramount.  Let's set the record straight: we've got none - absolutely zero - professional indemnity insurance or negligence claims, disputes resolution actions, or disciplinary actions under our belt.  In layman's terms?  We're squeaky clean, always have been, always will be.

Our Services & Scope of Advice

Welcome to your financial empowerment hub, where we roll up our sleeves to tailor-make your journey to a Wealthy Life.  Imagine not just seeing the crossroads but understanding each path, with a guidebook in hand.

Key areas of expertise:

  • Financial Mapping  (If you want to find treasure, you need a map)
  • Insurance (Think of this as the seatbelt to your financial road trip)
  • KiwiSaver (It isn’t just a fund, it's a strategy)

We can expand our conversations to include:

  • Financial Management (from debt-taming to cash flow-cultivating)
  • Guidance on Property Portfolios (because one size doesn’t fit all)
  • Business Insurance (Key Person, Shareholder Protection and Loss of Revenue – we got it)
  • ACC Insurance Review (tailored for the self-employed)
  • Simple Will, Estate Planning (peace of mind, simplified)
  • Professional Referrals - (from tax gurus to legal eagles, mortgage maestros to specialised insurance virtuosos, we've got the ultimate circle of trust for you).

We provide financial advice about products from the following companies:

  • Personal insurances:    AIA, ChubbLife, Asteron, Fidelity, PartnersLife
  • Medical insurances:     Southern Cross, PartnersLife, AIA, nib
  • KiwiSaver products:     Booster, Generate, Milford

Please note, we don't provide advice on life investment products like whole-of-life, endowment, unit-linked insurance, and insurance bonds.  However, we can refer you to professionals who specialise in these areas.

Fee for Service

Our fees are as straightforward and transparent as we are.   First chat or just dipping your toes in?   That might be on the house, depending on what ground we cover.   Ready for in-depth, game-changing advice? Rest assured, we lay all the cards on the table upfront when it comes to fees which is shaped by the breadth of advice, time and scope of the work we engage in.  You can expect zero surprises - just clear, agreed-upon expectations.

Fee Snapshot (GST-Exclusive)

  • Financial Mapping *$1200
  • Insurance Planning & Implementation ^$500
  • KiwiSaver +$150
  • Simple Will $150
  • ACC Advice & Restructure $250
  • Hourly rate - where a fixed fee is not practical, we charge an hourly rate: $350

* Fee may vary based on the level of complexity, time and resources required.
* Fee waived if any new Life, Trauma, Income insurance products are taken up within one month following our session, and the first year's insurance annual premium exceeds $1200.
^ Fee waived if any new Life, Trauma, Income insurance products are taken up within one month following our Insurance session.
+ Fee waived if you have had a paid Financial Mapping consult within one month.

We might start with a comprehensive financial map or a tailored insurance plan, and as we navigate through your financial landscape, our focus could broaden to include finetuning your KiwiSaver.  The beauty of our services is in their flexibility.

Engaging With Us

At the core of every meaningful relationship is clear communication and trust.  When we team with you, you're not just getting a financial advisor; you're getting savvy good souls committed to paving your way to a 'Wealthy Life.'  

Flexible Consultation Options

Our advisors are available to give you specific, targeted advice tailored to your unique needs. Need us outside standard business hours or prefer a face-to-face meeting?  A modest $150 surcharge applies to cover extra time and travel expenses.

Duties information

Jaime James Financial & Insurance Advisers, and anyone who gives financial advice on our behalf, have duties under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 relating to the way that we give advice.  We are required to:

  • Treat you fairly
  • Act with integrity
  • Provide financial advice which is suitable for you
  • Protect your privacy and confidential information
  • Maintain the competence and skill to deliver advice in our area of expertise
  • Maintain the ethical and behavioural standards and duties of care required by NZ law.

This is only a summary of the duties that we have. More information is available by contacting us, or by visiting the Financial Markets Authority website at

Other Interests and Relationships

When it comes to serving you, our focus is unswervingly on your best interests.  While we have access to a diverse range of providers, we generally collaborate with a select few - those who, in our professional opinion, offer the most value and reliability for our clients.  We are not tethered by any commercial relationships or contracts that could introduce a conflict of interest in our advice to you.  Our recommendations are unbiased, founded purely on what we believe will most benefit you.  We do not operate a trust account, nor do we handle client funds directly.  All payments are made straight to the service provider, ensuring an additional layer of financial integrity in our operations.

Commissions & Fees

For General insurance referrals, Jaime James Financial & Insurance (JJFI) may receive an initial and ongoing commission from Tower Insurance, PIC Insurance Brokers, Apex Insurance and O’Connor Warren Insurance Brokers.  For lending referrals, JJFI may receive a referral commission from the Mortgage Adviser.  We don't receive any commission or fees from any Lawyer or Accountant or Investment Advisers we refer you to.

For personal insurance, our preference is to be paid via brokerage, or commission, as this results in no direct fee payable by the client and JJF&I only receives payment from an insurer if we are successful in placing business which the client is happy with. The gross amount of commission payable to JJF&I on any particular recommendation will be disclosed specifically prior to implementation of any product or plan.  Once we've gone through the approval process, we'll know what is possible with insurers and at what rate.  As a general indicator of the range of commissions which may be paid, JJF&I receives standard commission terms from all insurers (there no preferential terms over and above any other advisor in the market).  We'll advise of commission at the time you take up any insurance.  

If you accept our insurance advice and we receive a commission from the insurer, we will not charge a fee.  If an insurance policy is cancelled or reduced before 24 months of premiums are paid, a clawback occurs.  We reserve the right to charge reasonable fees to recover our cost for the time, resources and work completed up to that point.  

Should you decide not to proceed after we've completed our meticulous analysis and provided you the advice, we charge a fee of $500 plus GST to cover some of the time and work invested in you.  If you are deferred insurance for medical reasons, or we recommend you keep any existing insurance, we will not charge a fee.

For KiwiSaver, JJFI&I might receive a one-time small commission when you open an account, plus a yearly stipend based on your balance.

Remuneration Note

Our advisors are paid by salary and not remunerated directly by commission or incentives.

  • All fees and commissions are paid to JJF&I. JJF&I uses all gross revenue to pay the operating expenses of running a compliant professional business.
  • JJF&I then has to pay its’ tax obligations on the “net profit” after costs.
  • What’s left, if any, is available to Jaime James as the sole shareholder as personal remuneration.
  • Typically the potential conflicted remuneration for the Financial Advisor (Jaime James) amounts to between 25-35% of gross revenue in any given year.

What a client pays is not the same as what the Financial Advisor earns.

Fee for Service

Fees payable directly by the client to Jaime James Financial & Insurance (JJF&I) upon invoice for planning or consultation work may be applicable.  Fees are charged for expertise and opinion, not for product placement or “brokering”, unless requested by a client and agreed to by JJF&I.  An estimate of fees for any particular engagement can always be provided in advance, and if necessary, we can agree in advance to a fixed price for an engagement.  If fees are to be paid, then:

  • The hourly rate charged is $350 (+GST)
  • Terms of payment are payment within 7 days of invoice, with direct credit to the bank account of JJF&I

Confidentiality and use of Personal Information

  1. It is understood that any information gathered for a needs analysis and used in any associated advice reports and for insurance applications is personal and I undertake to keep this information confidential and secure.
  2. The Privacy Act 2020 gives you the right to request access to and correction of your personal information.
  3. The information will be held by me in my office address detailed in this document and my ‘Important Information About Me’ document and may be in paper format and/or electronic files and / or may be held remotely in secure electronic storage systems.  I am required to keep these records on file for a period of seven years or longer whether this engagement terminates or not.
  4. Information provided by you or any authorised agent, will be used by me and any members of my staff for the purpose of providing advice to you, marketing of other services I provide and may also be used by any:
  1. Product or service provider when researching, analysing, or implementing any of my recommendations or variations thereof;
  2. The Financial Markets Authority and/or any other regulatory body as required for audit or legislative purposes, compliance advisers, assessors or by any claims investigators who may need access to such information;
  3. Other professionals such as solicitors, accountants, finance brokers, financial planners when such services are required to complement this advice and as requested by you.
  4. Prospective and actual purchaser(s) if selling my business.

Termination of Engagement

Life happens, and sometimes changes necessitate a rethink of our partnerships.  If you ever find that our services no longer align with your needs, you're free to call it quits at any time - just let us know in writing.  But, like any committed relationship, we too have our boundaries for when we may need to step back.  These include:

  • If we have a conflict of interest
  • If our fees are not paid
  • If there is a valid reason for us not to complete your instructions

In the event that either party terminates the engagement, these terms will remain in effect and you will be responsible for paying us for all services rendered and expenses incurred up to the date of termination.  Furthermore, termination may also occur in the following circumstances:

  • You cancel all insurance policies
  • The principal transaction that formed the basis of our engagement is completed

By laying out these conditions transparently, we aim to maintain a relationship that respects both parties involved.  This is all about safeguarding your interests - and ours, too.

Complaints Handling and Dispute Resolution

The complaints process is:
What should you do if you’re unhappy with something?  If you have a problem, concern, or complaint about any part of our service or financial advice, please tell us as soon as possible so that we can try and resolve this for you to the best of our ability.  It is our intention to provide the best possible service we can for our clients and will do our best to try and resolve any complaint received as quickly and effectively as possible.  

So that we may try to fix the problem in the first instance, please contact Jaime James, Director of Jaime James Financial & Insurance on | 021 527 069 | Level 8, 139 Quay Street, Auckland 1010

We will follow our internal complaint process:

  • We will consider your complaint and let you know how we intend to resolve it. Where possible, we try to resolve your complaint immediately.
  • If we are unable to resolve your complaint immediately, we will acknowledge your complaint within 2 business days. We may contact you to get further information about your complaint.
  • We aim to resolve complaints within 10 working days of receiving them. If we need more time to investigate your complaint, we will let you know when you can expect to receive a response to your complaint.
  • We will contact you by phone, email, or letter to let you know whether we can resolve your complaint and how we propose to do so.

If we are unable to resolve your complaint, or you aren’t satisfied with the way we propose to do so, it then becomes a dispute.

The Dispute Resolution process is:

  1. In the event of a dispute, you must notify us that the complaint is not resolved and is now a dispute.
  2. We will confirm in writing our internal complaints process, likely timeframes, and our Disputes Resolution Scheme which you can access at any stage should you choose to.
  3. Should we fail to handle the problem to your satisfaction within a reasonable time frame then the product providers themselves have internal complaints handling processes which you might wish to also access.  This means that if we have used a particular product that is connected to the issue at Dispute, you can contact the company that issued that product and have them attempt to resolve the matter as well.
  4. If these options fail to resolve the Dispute to your satisfaction, then you may take the matter to the Financial Dispute Resolution Services, of which we are a member.  We are bound by the outcome of that process.  You can choose to be bound by the outcome, but you can also choose to be free to pursue other legal avenues if you wish.

Financial Dispute Resolution Service can help you make a complaints by:

  • Online on
  • Complaint forms can be downloaded online and completed by hand.
  • Phone on 0508 337 337

Conflicts of interest

To ensure that we prioritise your interests above our own, we follow an advice process that ensures our recommendations are based on your objectives, needs and circumstances and not on the commission JJF&I may receive.   We further manage possible conflicts of interest by:

  • Choosing product providers based on your needs and not on the commission we may receive.
  • Having access to a range of product providers.
  • Using third party product research as part of our analysis.
  • Not allowing insurer incentives to play any role in our recommendation. We also maintain a register of conflicts of interests and the gifts and incentives we might receive. These registers are monitored regularly and strategies discussed to ensure these are not influencing our decisions.
  • Having our processes audited annually by a reputable compliance adviser or compliance assurance program – Strictly Business Limited.

What we ask of you

Any advice provided because of this needs analysis can only be as good as the information received from you so we ask that you provide us with the information we request.  Without relevant and correct information about your personal and financial situation we run the risk of giving advice that is not appropriate to your needs. If you’re unsure as to why we need certain information, please ask so that we can explain.

Privacy act

We adhere to the Privacy Act 2020 and its privacy principles around how we collect, handle and use personal information.  We collect your personal information for its lawful purpose in order to provide you with Financial Advice as per your request. Besides our team, we may also share information with other parties (e.g. product or service providers, third parties such as our CRM system, compliance advisers or other professionals (e.g. Lawyers/ Accountants) when required to meet the scope of advice.  We keep your information safe by storing it securely and only allowing certain staff members access to it. We have secure mechanisms in place to ensure your data is kept private and backed up regularly.  You have the right to request a copy of the personal information we hold about you and ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong.  A full copy of our privacy statement is available at all times via our website or on request.  Please let us know if you wish to have a written copy.  

Continuous Evolution

As the financial landscape shifts and evolves, so do we.  It's a commitment to offer you an agile and relevant service, tailored to meet your ever-changing needs.  Please be aware that our terms and conditions may be updated at any time to reflect these changes.  Once we've fine-tuned the terms, they'll go into effect immediately.  While an updated copy of these terms is always available upon request, we opt for a less intrusive approach by not automatically sending them your way.  Rest assured, we're just a call or email away should you wish to review any modifications.